Hi all!
Anna and I just had a conversation that led to limits and boundaries. I think i wrote about this topic before. If i did and i find it, i'll link it here - so, if you see no link it means i didn't write, i didn't look for it, or i didn't find it.
So, limits and boundaries.
We ALL need to have them. With EVERYONE! And, yes this means all the members of the family, all the friends, and especially co-workers and even bosses.
However, limits and boundaries are not completely the same things. they differ a little bit and i'll try to explain them separately in a single blog entry! I'm not sure, but it could turn into a short novel, so grab some water, though you can always stop reading, of course.
what i understand by limits is like a line or border [between countries] over which we can't cross either with our actions, thoughts, trust, or other similar stuff.
Most of us learn as we grow and mature. In most cases, they're taught and drilled into us by our elders.
For instance, we're told how we act around other children, dogs, and property of others. We're supposed to ask for permission before interacting with others and their property. We're also taught that certain actions have severe consequences, such as lying, stealing, killing, bullying, and so on.
Most of us are being told all the things we're not supposed to do are limits, but there's more to limits than this. There are some limitations as far as our physical well-being is involved.
For instance, some of us could suffer from a serious health condition that prevents us from performing certain actions. Some folks are able to overcome their health-related conditions and learn how to complete tasks within their limits.
These kinf people have a great deal of opportunity of becoming an influencer and motivator for others that suffer from the sme conditions.
In my book, boundaries are other lines that represent how you allow others to treat you.
For instance, these are stuff such as:
allowing others to use you as their personal credit card =you always when going out
not reacting or being ok when others insult you or strangers for whatever reasons
hitting or slapping you
bullying others
torturing animals
allowing others to call or message you at any given hour
having to explain every single move you made and why you can't reply the second you hear the phone
The list can go on.
While the limits are usually well set, the same can't be said about boundaries. This doesn't mean we don't have boundaries at all: we all do. They just work differently with different people we meet.
Those who come in our lives and we get along with well, will not cross the boundaries. Then others, come in our lives with just a goal in mind: see how much they can use us and for how long can we take it.
The problem is due to their ability to blend in like a chameleon and make us believe good things abut them, until it' too late.
So this entry has to be a bit longer, than what i wrote in this diary, so 2 entries are coming your way.
my blog my rules, so ... i don't know what to tell ya.
august 25th
i had a period when i was feeling very tired. maybe it was the depression controlling me.
- sidenote: i found these 2 large prints from IKEA. I like one of them more than the other. i decided to turn the one i liked less into an actual painting, by painting over it.
of course, this wasn't done in one evening, but still. I used mixed media to cover the original image. this is an attempt for me to curb my controlling tendencies. long story that i don't think I'll talk about.
the painting is not finished yet, as i type this (feb. 14th, 2024) ... and yes, i can post in the past. yay, internet.
september 4th
that day we went out to check out some second hand stores. i forgot what exactly what else we found, but that skirt is really pretty and spring-like. i don't think it still fits me because i gained some weight. maybe I'll lose the extra kgs until the time comes for the skirt time.
i suppose i was really tired that day. it is helpful to sleep for longer at times.
this needs no more explanation.
july 2022
A\happy we went to the pool twice last week.
B\ happy i found some paper, net, and a traditional bowl. it's very cheerful and beautiful.
as you can see, the entries are posted in between the 2 days of gratitudes. this seems better for me than posting for one day or the other.
the ice cream has nothing to do with going to the pool. unfortunately. it's just a dessert we had back in july 2022. I suddenly remember that the place selling this dessert didn't have anything to carry them home. the day was very hot and they were melting quite fast, and we were FAR from home.
i had to go to a different ice cream place and demand for a container. oh, the drama i had there until the manager decided to take the money i was offering for the container. I was pretty upset and worked up over these incidents. almost 2 years later and this doesn't matter anymore. funny how life is.
but seriously, if someone offers you money, as a store, you take it: it's in your best interest.
Hi. These are blog entries that i wrote in some agenda. In an attempt at decluttering, i will digitize whatever i can, so here we go.
1. GRATEFUL AND HAPPY i FOUND A SACK FILLED WITH SHEETS, AND MOST OF THEM ARE IN A VERY GOOD CONDITION - don't get me started with consumerism, shopping, etc.
2. GRATEFUL WE CAN WORK FROM HOME - this one will forever stand.
A. happy with the two small cacti we bought. - i managed to kill one by drowning it. the other survives. I don't have a picture of the cactus, so i used an image of yellow tulips in a vase.
I decided to make this entry as part of blogmas 2022. The challenge is for day 8 and it consists of some gift ideas. There are many ways of making a person happy, but not many think of making animals happy. I wish this would change.
Last year in the summer, my partner decided to take a walk in Carol Park. I wrote about it in this entry, if you're curious. So, we go in the park, on a certain side path. As we walk, we see a white and orange kitty. As we approach, we see the kitty has more brothers. They also had some food and water container that other people filled. We also ran to the store and bought some kitten food. which they ate.
The white and orange kitty had a white/black brother, a 3 colored sister, an all-orange and stripy sister (we first thought it was a boy), and 3 all-black brothers. We first saw just 1 of the black cats. Then, we saw the 2nd one after some time. And yet, after some more weeks, a 3rd fully-black cat cam. We only realized this because all of them were present at the same time.
In these 2 pictures, we can only see 3 of the cat brothers, eating well. They were hungry even though they had quite a bit of food. brought to them by other people.
In some ways, they were lucky because several people were passing by daily to feed them and to give them water.
The first cat that got a family
The first cat that wanted and found a family is the one that appeared in front of us, the white and orange one. he's not seen in the pics above, but below.
The image is blurry, sadly. I believe this is an iPhone 4 picture. He was maybe 2 or 3 months old at the time, and a bit on the skinny side.
When we saw him that evening when he got home, he appeared not to feel very well. Clearly, thinking he was sick, we decided we take him home, regardless of the fact that we had no bag or cat carrier on us.
It didn't matter, because he acted sick all the way to home. Once we 'quarantined' him, he sprang back to life. He was eating, and drinking, and i think he even used the litter box right away.
We didn't think we can keep him, and personally, i didn't feel much attachment towards him. :( We knew someone who wanted a cat for some time, and we also wanted to rescue as many of his brothers as possible. So, Whuay went to another home where there were no other cats to compete for human attention.
He did spend some time with us, getting used to life indoors which seemed to be all he ever wanted. I say this because once at home, he started exploring the "quarantine" room right awaya and wanting to make friends with our older cats, Whiskey and Mickey.
As far as we know, he's doing fine, he's loved, and this is what matters. I do miss him now that i looked at the pics i have of him.
The 2nd cat getting a family
The second cat finding a family is the white and black one seen in the first image. This is because we still went every other day to give the kitties water and food. That summer was brutal, with very high temperatures.
His current name is Churro, but when we first saw him, we called him Oreo because of his color combination.
I have basically 2 memories of this kitty in the park, though we saw him more often than that. One time, when we went to feed them, he was up on the tree, trying to sharpen his claws. We knew he is a very playful fella right then and there. He was absolutely adorable.
The other memory i have of him from the park is from one evening when 2 young girls came to feed the kitties. However, this is not all they did: they also left with this kitty but said they'd bring him back.
Why did they take him, you ask? it's because they wanted to play with him in a safer environment. They couldn't keep him though, as it was their parents who had the last word on the matter.
We got quite mad with the girls because they gave Churro, at the time Oreo, fake hopes of a home. :( One of the next times we went to feed the kitties, only Churro/Oreo was there, all alone. He looked sad and lonely. We didn't think twice about it, we just grabbed him and went home with him, after leaving food for his brothers.
Look how handsome he is! Sadly, the red bow didn't last for long, but it sure fitted him. However, the surprized face expression persists, and he's just amazing!
The 3rd cat coming home with us
The 3rd cat that came home with us is probably the black one in the first image. Why do i say probably? Because they were a total of 3 black cat brothers! proof below! The black cat we first saw got named Shadow, and then all the black kitties received the same name because we couldn't tell them apart.
There are 2 things i need to mention:
we didn't know there are 3 black cats from the start
the 3rd cat didn't come home last year like his brothers, but this year
I forgot how many of the kitties we saw the very first time we went. I do remember that we were surprised to see a completely black cat among the others. Then, one evening, we saw a 2nd completely black cat. Again, we were surprised and felt as if someone played a trick on us.
But, then! a 3RD FULLY BLACK kitty appeared from nowhere! They were there all 3 at once, as seen in the pic above, and all of them were boys. One of them was more scared of us than the others, and another one more friendly.
Another memory i have regarding these black brothers is that one time, one evening, just 1 of them was there out of all the remaining brothers. Not only this but the one that came to eat was one of the friendlier black brothers. So, i managed to touch him and cuddle him.
I believe that was the evening he followed us through the park, almost close to the entry point we use. He was also crying/meowing and looking sad. T_T We were certain he wanted to come home with us. We ... just ... thought we couldn't deal with so many cats. We felt really bad and sorry we didn't take him with us that day.
Almost a year passed by. During these months we continued to take food to the kitties. however, sometime in spring, they disappeared. The area where they were being fed was demolished further - it used to be a restaurant type of location that caught fire at some point.
This led the kitties to scatter, we think, or perhaps someone took 2 of the remaining cats, leaving the 3 black brothers. Then, not even they came to being fed anymore. So, we stopped going seeing that there were no more cats to feed.
But life is twisted and at the beginning of September '22 we went again just on a whim. And we found Shadow! He recognized us by our voices and came to eat and drink. The next day we went with the cat cage in tow, hoping to find and catch him. And we were lucky! he was very easy to "catch" and now he has a furreverr home and he adapted VERY well to his new environment.
In the middle, is Scotch the dog that i haven't introduced yet. We currently have 4 cats, a dog, and a crow. Life is stressful with so many pets, but we are very happy to have rescued 3 kitties out of maybe a total of 7 brothers.
It's that time of the year again - December, which means Blogmas around here. Since i didn't post in a long time, this will give me a chance to update the blog.
On the first day, over-bloggers were challenged to participate in a contest for a paid account.
The conditions were to tag 2 people and like the page - easy peasy lemon squeezy. I have no idea who won. The winner hasn't been announced yet.
a random car we saw in summer, uptown
On the 2nd day, we're supposed to write our wishlist to Santa. OK, Santa, i hope you're ready for this:
move to Japan in 2023
buy a house
succeed at making a life for us in Japan
Putting this out to the universe, because.
DAY 3 and 4
It appears that the staff forgot to give us homework for the 3rd day. And the 4th day was designated a rest day.
However, i didn't rest almost at all. I cleaned the bedroom and tidied up a bit along with doing some decluttering. This feels great :D
I came here to announce the creation of a special pinterest board i created. It's for an old Romanian publication that has unique fashion and hand-made projects inspirations.
As you can see from the title, the title of this little publication is "almanah femeia 1980 supliment."
I took pictures of each page of the tiny magazine. There's just one page missing: the very last cover. I forgot why I didn't take a picture of that page. I may add it at a later time.
I took these pictures because i haven't seen this magazine supplement anywhere in any used-books store. I wanted more people to have access to the ideas offered in it.
The creations also get explanations and patterns that can help you re-create the items. Should you want any explanation translated to English, you should post your request here. I may add new entries for each translation and whatever else is needed.
Life is a journey. Or so I have been told. ObscureJourney is a blog about My life, the things I experience and learn. I hope I can learn from my mistakes. The blog used to known as "TheOwnerTravelsTo" and i had a separate blog called "CookingMyExperience".
The purpose of obscurejourney blog is to share positive ideas and experiences -hopefully- while showing you that you don't need a lot to be happy.
Not all failures mean the end of the world. They mean that whatever you were trying out wasn't meant to happen:
it wasn't your life's journey. We all have a particular life journey, even if we don't discover it from the start. But remember:
You will discover your path! Do you think I discovered mine? Perhaps I did, but I have yet to fully walk it. I know writing is part of it.
All content is created by me, with my silly mobile phone and its camera. Unless otherwise stated, the following applies:
All blog entries are written by me, Charly Cross -this is a pen name, unless mentioned otherwise.
Pictures are mine - especially if I signed them with a (c) and my blog's name (or former name of the blog).