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How to become a Dog Behaviorist

Publié le par Charly Cross



Romania is not the place where anyone can just become anything they want without proper training. Of course, if there's a will there will be a way. This article was ordered by a client a very long time ago, but for some reason, things took a weird turn and  the project didn't have a happy ending. Since the content is still original, I decided to post it here, for all of you who love animals. Sadly, this article refers to dogs only and those who want to become a cat behaviorist should take a different route. I may post a guide for that as well. Sometime in the future.


As a side note, this short guide might help people living in UK.

This used to be my dog, Kali. This is a pic of her back in June '14.

This used to be my dog, Kali. This is a pic of her back in June '14.

Have you often been told how good you are with animals? If the answer is ‘yes’, you may want to choose a different career path. There is always time for a change! If you have a special affinity for dogs, the best career you could choose is one as a dog behaviorist. The title seems complicated, but it’s actually quite simple.



Not all dogs behave nicely and you have most likely encountered that dog that never stays put, never listens or even attacks, at times.

Your job will be to make sure these things never happen ever again, for a happy dog means a happy owner that will forever be grateful to you.

Prepare to get close and personal with both the dog and its owner over a certain period of time, in which you get the pet rid of its phobias, bad behavior, or any other issues the owner complains about.



The breed of the dog and its own personality play an important part in your work, so do not treat every pet the same way! You need to learn about the different dog breeds’ behaviors but you need to observe the dog too, to see their personality.


Dogs are generally docile pets, they are a man’s best friend after all, but what about the times when the best friend misbehaves? The bad behavior shows in many ways and each will be treated accordingly. For example, one dog can be overly aggressive and chase people around, while another will be scared of something or refuse to go out.


What you need is to talk to the owner in a clear matter about the pet’s issues, figure out the causes and then follow up with a step by step program that will ensure this behavior changes. You will also be in charge of checking up on the pet regularly and see the progress with your own eyes - this is the most rewarding part of the job!

Kali, April 2014

Kali, April 2014


Like with most jobs, you will need to get the proper training first. However there is more than one way to gain entry into this field of work.


 You must attend college, as the proper training is offered to those who graduated it. You need 2 A levels and you must have studied biology at the very least. CFBA and UCAS are just 2 places where you can get more info on available courses. You may also wish to get your hands on any DVD that shows how to do the job properly, and watch online videos. Then - practice, practice, practice and don’t forget to continue studying after you get in the business!


We suggest you also sign up for a class or seminar. If you’re serious about it, a degree in Animal Science will be helpful. Check the resources and seminaries in your areas and decide what’s the best option for you!


Training is crucial. Even though you might love being around pets, you aren’t born with the knowledge need to become a pet behaviorist.


Another way is to get a job in the field first. This could be anything - even working at a pet shop or veterinary office will do. The point is to get you used to the way animals act - the more, the better. You will quickly notice how different they are one from another.



As a pet counselor, you will be making your own schedule and paying your own taxes. Like any other self-employment job, it has its advantages and disadvantages. You will not get paid weekly and you might struggle at first, but this is why this work is suitable for people who truly love animals.


The best paid dog counselors are people who make some cash on the side - of course, in the same field! This should not bring you down though. There are many successful counselors out there, but the wage you will get varies from $30,000 and up to about $75,000 a year. In UK, the charges can start at £85 and can go over £250, per consultation. Of course, if a case is more difficult, you can charge more, but you’ll need the proper credentials as well – see the previous section.

5 month old Kali

5 month old Kali


One of the best parts of the job is that your work will be anything but boring! Be prepared to train the pet as well when needed, watch it play, and interact with it as much as possible.

Once the dog begins to trust you, the most difficult part is gone. You will have fun whilst working - this is the main reason most people decide to get a career in the field.


Read about my experience with Kali.

© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved. 

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5 Reasons Why Men And Women Lose Weight Differently

Publié le par Charly Cross

Everyone wants to look and feel good regardless of their gender, with people often being rated based on their attractiveness level. Having a body that is on a slim side looks attractive and is also deemed healthier, and the number of those who want a slimmer body seems to be on the rise. This brings a new problem into the spotlight: men and women lose weight in a different way and at a different rate. Let’s have a look at 5 reasons why losing weight is different for women than it is for men.


A different approach to losing weight based on gender

Numerous women are visually attracted by a male who is muscular and lean, while most men fantasize about a slender woman, with an hourglass figure. These ideals make men and women use different routines when it comes to losing weight. A male will spend many hours in the gym lifting weights while women generally prefer the cardio machines. In addition to that, more women choose to hit the nearest eatery right after working out, as a reward for their efforts. This action defeats the purpose of the exercise routine, and causes the entire weight loss process to become difficult. It has been observed that men are more prone to stick to a regular workout regime without distractions, thus adding to its effectiveness.


Men have a more competitive mindset compared to women

Men's competitive nature exerts a certain degree of influence on how the 2 genders view fitness. Males typically look at a workout to reach their goal: improving health and endurance levels. At the same time, the gym can be seen a place for friendly competition. Women, however, view exercising as more of a chore and not a healthy hobby. At the end of the day, feeling pressured to keep up a workout routine can decrease its benefits by a great deal. Women adopting a more competitive way of thinking have noticed faster results when it comes to losing weight.


Men and women approach hunger and food differently

Men usually eat only they feel hungry, while often times women use comfort food as an emotional crutch to relieve boredom, stress, or work related anxiety. Females are known to be emotional eaters while men prefer dealing with their feelings in a different and maybe more pro-active way. The way both genders deal with hunger and food in general is also dictated by the different hormones their bodies produce. Men release more leptin, also known as the "satiety hormone". Women's bodies release more of a “I’m hungry” hormone called ghrelin. Furthermore, men and women have different types of comfort foods: men prefer “mom’s cooking” while women mostly enjoy foods that give a quick pick-me-up such as cookies and chips.


Different percentages of muscle and fat compared to total body weight

Healthy and fit men are genetically designed to have a higher percentage of muscle compared to body fat. As an opposite, a female body is built with more fat and a softer appearance. Muscle growth is influenced by the higher levels of testosterone in a male’s body. Muscles need increased energy to work properly, and this is one of the reasons why men burn more calories at any given time. When comparing people of both genders with similar proportions, specialists noted that women have much lower metabolic needs. This translates into burning fewer calories for basic functions like breathing, brain activity, and even walking.


Hormonal fluctuation

Women are affected by monthly hormonal fluctuations, while men have a constant level of hormones released into their system. This is an aspect that influences everything related to the body’s well being. These hormonal changes also play a significant role in how much women eat compared to men. Women are genetically programmed to keep up a certain weight for a regular and healthy flow of reproductive hormones, and a significant drop has negative effects in the long run. Harsh dieting is linked to loss of fertility in women due to the body not being able to release enough reproductive hormones.


While these are a few guidelines worth taking into account, each person is different and a weight loss program should be chosen on an individual basis. If you pay attention to your body, you have much higher chances of achieving your fitness goal.


© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved.

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12 Ways To Improve Your Happiness Level

Publié le par Charly Cross

Focusing on today and the present moment is essential if you want to look back on the positive experiences in your life. There are a few key tips which you should pay attention to in order to seize the moment.


  1. Pursue your hobbies and make new ones

Most people lead extremely busy lives where work comes first. However, take the time to rejuvenate your spirit and pursue the things you are really into. So, if you have a passion for music, sign up for those piano lessons you always postponed, or buy a guitar and start practicing. Unleashing your creative spirit will help you take advantage of every moment and improve your life.

I made this and I didn't want to use any name...

I made this and I didn't want to use any name...


  1. Get personal

Each of us has a different life path and personal journey. You can make today worthwhile by paying attention to your feelings and do something for yourself. It doesn't matter if this is a project you never had time for or simply starting a journal. By doing this, you will learn more about yourself and keep grounded in the present moment. When revisiting what you wrote, you may uncover a lot of meaningful things you never knew about yourself.


  1. Take a challenge

Not everyone is competitive and sometimes the only one you should compete against is yourself. You don't need to push yourself up to the point of exhaustion, rather just learn how to give it your best in every situation. A lot of people go throughout the day without truly attempting to improve, regardless if it’s work or a fun hobby. Sometimes we need to know the areas which need working on and just take it from there. At the end of the day, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and every day will be something to remember.


  1. Let go of past patterns

A well known Zen proverb says “Let Go Or Be Dragged.” We all have various things and events in our past that keep us stuck and thus disabling us from fully enjoying the present. Take a look at your past and try to distinguish anything to which you might still be holding on although its usefulness has run its course long ago. It doesn’t matter if this is a past relationship you couldn't get over, or a missed career opportunity: our past experience make us who we are today. Let go of negative experiences and focus more on what you can do today.


  1. Practice meditation

Depending on your set of personal beliefs you may find meditation to be a quite pleasant experience and something to benefit from. For example, mindfulness meditation teaches us how to accept the present moment for what it is and live in the now. You don't have to spend hours on end in a meditative state, and 15 minutes every morning are just as effective. Try to find something that works for you and keep up with it: it will help you both in present difficult times, but in the future as well.


  1. Just be yourself

Instead of being a people pleaser and follow what everyone else says, find your own path in life and meaning. We are all individuals with needs, dreams, and desires. Don't compare yourself to others and how they live their life, and choose to become your own person. There will always be others who achieved more, but you should rather focus on what you can do with what you have. Becoming a “better you” will bring you the much needed peace of mind and help you seize the day.


  1. Give yourself credit

Make sure to give yourself a much deserved pat on the back whenever you accomplished something you are proud of. Don't put yourself down for what you perceive to be small failures, and find a way to reward yourself when you feel you did something good. After all you are the one you have to answer to at the end of the day.


  1. Find meaning in simplicity

At times the most simple things in life are also the most rewarding. Even a 10 minute walk in the park can refresh your mind when you feel tired and burnt out. If you can, walk to work instead of driving and find the time in your day to fully enjoy a meal. All these things may seem small, but together they will add up and provide you with several health benefits.


  1. Take up volunteering

Giving back to the less fortunate is important and you can do that by engaging in a volunteering program. This will give you a sense of doing something good for yourself but especially for other people, and will add a dose of positivity to your life. You don't have to go far out of your comfort zone, and sometimes just volunteering at the soup kitchen a couple of time a week is enough to make a difference.

Fostering an animal in need is also helpful. This kitty only needed a forever home and she found it.

Fostering an animal in need is also helpful. This kitty only needed a forever home and she found it.

  1. Work on your social skills

Having a wide social circle enriches our life and helps us see things from a fresh perspective. Relating to other people's life experiences is an essential part of self growth and you can achieve that by making new friends whenever possible. Keep an open eye for opportunities to meet new people and you will soon notice the benefits this brings.


  1. Have fun and enjoy the moment

Laughter is good for the soul so don't miss out on the chance of engaging in any fun and lighthearted activities. Reconnect with your inner child and you will see how humor can change your life. You can watch a comedy show that makes you laugh, or perhaps listen to your friend's jokes. Either way, your mood will improve and problems may not appear as important. Don't take life too seriously and keep a positive mindset.

this is how i generally have fun

this is how i generally have fun

  1. Learn about the power of forgiveness

Keeping grudges causes bitterness, while forgiving others makes you a stronger and better individual. Try to acknowledge everyone is doing the best they know how, and don't be afraid to sincerely apologize to someone you have wronged in the past. You may just reconnect with them and learn from each other's past mistakes.


© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved. Edited in Feb 2018.

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Being productive.... as a freelancer

Publié le par Charly Cross

So earlier today I was thinking about posting a blog entry, however I was out of ideas. And I started wondering why was that... Is like when I have work to do, my head gets filled with 10000036487234 other things I want, need, or have to do. I also get many more ideas of what to write about in my blog. When I actually have the time to do whatever .... guess what? all my inspiration is gone, all my motivation is gone too... everything.


Is it only me? I don't think so. In fact, I noticed many people in a similar situation. How do we work around this, in our favor?



My friend came up with the best, most perfect solution. That is to create a schedule and a rewarding system. Say I work for some 30 minutes straight, or an hour, with NO distractions. Then, I take a short break, no more than 15 minutes, when I do whatever else I want to do. Sounds, awesome, doesn't it? So WHY don't I do that?


To be honest... I have no idea why. Some might call it being lazy, not enough motivated, lack of a strong will... and who knows what else.


Well, maybe I should try harder to break this nasty habit... Wish me luck?


© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved.

You can now buy "productive freelancer" merch from here. By default you can see a spiraled notebook, but many other types of items are also available. 

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Summertime and icecream

Publié le par Charly Cross

Hello world~~~


Now my summer is almost over. But, summertime is everyone's favorite season to enjoy some ice cream. Or more ice cream than usual. The main reason is its cooling effect, or so they say. I personally don't need an excuse to eat it, and neither should you.

Strawberry mousse “ice cream” from my cookingmyexperience.wordpress.com blog

Strawberry mousse “ice cream” from my cookingmyexperience.wordpress.com blog

But, tell me: for how long does the cooling effect last? For me it lasts only as long as I eat it. Some 5 minutes later I start feeling very very hot. This is especially true if I have while I'm outside, with no air con. If you don't believe me, go ahead and have a small ice cream and tell me how you feel. Stop your air con, go outside, stay 5 or 10 minutes in the scorching sun (don't forget to protect your skin against sunburn), come back in a warmer room, and have an ice cream. Go on, go, do it! OK, so you finished it. Do you feel refreshed, chilled, hotter, or do you feel nothing much compared to before?



When I'm done eating an ice-cream I rapidly start feeling more hot and energetic, than before. The explanation is simple: the ice cream contains a lot of sugar. Sugar is what gives more energy. Part of this energy turns into heat that keeps us warm. Additionally, the low temperature of the ice-cream [at least 0 degrees Celsius]  tricks the body into thinking that it is warmer outside than it actually is. We can record summer temperatures as high as 32 degrees Celsius, so eating something frozen will definitely makes us think it's actually so much hotter than it really is.

salty caramel icecream [my picture - that's the former name of the blog]

salty caramel icecream [my picture - that's the former name of the blog]

Japanese people noticed these effects of the ice cream and this is why they eat it in winter too. I must admit, I did eat ice cream in winter, while being out and about. What did I feel? I felt warmer. I was also walking, and the energy boost was needed. In case you were wondering, I didn't catch a cold because of eating an ice cream in winter outdoors - that's just a myth. I didn't have the flu shot either, but I'm considering having it this year.

 [my picture - that's the former name of the blog]

[my picture - that's the former name of the blog]

Ok, guys, enjoy the last days of summer, and pay attention to how much ice cream you eat ;)


© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved. Post edited in Feb 2018.

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Refilled bell peppers

Publié le par Charly C.

Hello world~~~

Today's dinner will be "refilled bell peppers" with pork, carrots, and rice. People here love this dish, and so do I.  This recipe calls for cooking both on medium heat and in the oven. It can be done all in the oven too, if you prefer. ;) This is a main dish, and I actually forgot what you can eat it with. Maybe a tomato salad, some yogurt or sour cream. You might want bread too, if you're a fan. The dish can be served warm or cold, depending on when you serve it. Sometimes these peppers taste better cold, or the next day if the person cooking them is really talented. If you ask me, this dish doesn't really need other side dishes.

Most main dishes use onions and (or) garlic, but I am allergic to them, so I used shredded carrots instead of onions. I hope the dish still tastes good. I had 10 bell peppers in total, but I only managed to use 7. That's how many fit in my pot, and not all of them had the same size. I broke 1 pepper and I didn't use it anymore for this dish, but I will use it for a sandwich, or some other dish. I will give you the quantities I used, and I want to mention before hand that I have some left overs I placed in the freezer for a future batch. You need a tall enough pot in so the peppers would stand on their tips. I used pork meat, but you can use a mixture of pork and beef, or just beef. I think beef will cook for longer, though, I'm not sure.

serving idea

serving idea


  •  500 g pork meat. [1 pound?]
  • 500 g uncooked rice [1 pound?]
  • 2 long carrots
  • condiments: black pepper, salt, paprika,
  • thick tomato sauce
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 g sour cream [tastes better than yogurt]
  • 3 table spoons of cooking oil [I used sunflower oil, the most commonly found and used here]
  • bell peppers [7 or more]


First, wash the rice, and leave it in some water until you're ready to mix it. Peel and shred the carrots. Now, remove the core with seeds from the peppers, and wash the peppers. Make sure you don't break them. It is time to mix the meat, condiments, eggs, shredded carrots, 2 spoons of tomato sauce, and rice.

soaking rice, counted peppers, and the filling before mixing everything

soaking rice, counted peppers, and the filling before mixing everything

With a spoon fill each of the peppers, but leave some empty space at the top as the rice will swell up. Place the filled peppers in the pot, with the opening up. Fill with water to cover them, and place on medium heat for an hour. I think you need medium heat, as I used low heat and things were going nowhere.

While the peppers boil, mix the sour cream with some 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce, some salt, some black pepper, the oil, and some water.

When boiling time is up, your pot is supposed to be half full with water. I had a lid over my pot and the water level never went down. This turned out to be a good things though, as I used some of the water in the sour cream and tomato sauce mixture. ;) The mixture has to be rather liquid, like tomato juice.


i edited this entry in july 2017, when i re-cooked this

i edited this entry in july 2017, when i re-cooked this

When putting the sauce mixture over the peppers, make sure you cover them as well. Place the pot in the oven for 20 minutes. I stopped the fire in the oven after 25 minutes, and then I left the pot in there as it wasn't yet dinner time.

my leftovers before freezing time. can you tell I forgot to put tomato sauce in the mixture? hahaha.

my leftovers before freezing time. can you tell I forgot to put tomato sauce in the mixture? hahaha.

Some notes:

This recipe can be altered for those who do not eat meat, by replacing all the meat with rice or soy. It is best to use some sort of lid for the peppers after filling them, so there will be no leak. You can use slices of tomatoes, potatoes, or pieces of peppers, like I did.

You might have figured out by now, that broken peppers may leak or break further, and you don't want that. Depending on the size of the peppers and number of people at the table, the serving size is 1 or 2 peppers per person. Use at least 2 table spoons of sour cream or yogurt on each pepper after you place them on the plates.

The same filling can be used for refilled zucchini or refilled tomatoes.

Please leave your questions in the comments below.Bon Apetit~~~

© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved.

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Washing my hair with plain water

Publié le par Charly Cross

I may not be the cleanest person out there, nor the most organized, but I make sure I don't stink or look dirty when going out. I like showering right before going out. I wish everyone had this much courtesy.


Some of you like to use eco-friendly cleaning and grooming products, or products that are natural as they can be. This is perfectly fine, and I kinda envy you for going the extra mile. What I know for sure is that many people out there also try to find budget-friendly solutions for cleaning and grooming.


I also know that some tips and tricks work and some don't. This is because I tried some of them out. The most recent one is the trick, or was it a piece of advice?, said that we can clean our hair just fine with plain running water. Crazy? Yes, I know.


It's been at least a month since I read this trick, but I was too intrigued by it to let it go. So yesterday I tried it out. Not because I ran out of shampoo, but because I thought any day is just as good. I have greasy hair, but lately it doesn't become as oily as it used to. I also had to wash it one day sooner, but I was busy doing other stuff.


Went in the shower and did my routine, without shampoo. I was nervous, weirded out, and dieing of curiosity to see if it works. I also haven't used hair conditioner, to have a better glimpse of the result. Having to go out for a bit, I let the outside air dry my hair.

look at me being cousin It ... or the ghost from The Ring XDD

look at me being cousin It ... or the ghost from The Ring XDD


I used hot water, as much as I could stand, with high pressure. I let the water run on my hair while scrubbing the roots. I tried to do this for as long as it takes me to use shampoo, rinse, use conditioner, and rinse again. I probably should have done it for longer for better results.


In case you were wondering, I did use shower gel to wash my body. Plain water does little for me especially in summer.



It worked. It wasn't perfect, especially at the roots, but I may have had to stay in there for longer. I don't know. My hair felt heavier yesterday, but today it felt and looked better. My friend didn't tell me I have to wash my hair, so I am pretty happy with the result.


I must warn you though, that the results depend on each person's type of hair, and water. I don't think I will do it again, unless I don't have any shampoo left anymore. I wouldn't recommend it as lifetime solution, this is up to whoever tries it.


Take care until next time.

© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved. 

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My Linzer torte recipe

Publié le par Charly C.

Hello world~~~

I haven't updated in ages. Well, it is time for a brand new recipe, but first a little bit of a back-story. I received this round, flower shaped baking tray, so I had to try it out right away. And, in case you were wondering, yes, it has been used.

The recipe I used is one I posted already, but I twisted it up a little. The recipe is the one for vanilla biscuits. OK, truth be told, I haven't even measured the ingredients, I just freely poured. If you're a beginner, I highly recommend you measure them. The recipe for the vanilla biscuits uses almonds. I had no nuts around the house.

My gifted baking round/flower tray (on my bed) and compared to my hand.My gifted baking round/flower tray (on my bed) and compared to my hand.

My gifted baking round/flower tray (on my bed) and compared to my hand.

Remember what I called this recipe? Linzer torte? This cake has a crust with some jam on top. If you research the recipe, you'll that the one I used comes really close to it.  I used a cherry jam. I also gave up the lattice design the Linzer torte because of not having enough dough.


  • 200 grams butter
  • 250 grams flour
  • 70 grams sugar
  • some salt
  • some baking powder
  • 30 ml vanilla essence
  • jam of choice


  • 100 grams almonds or other nuts
  • some cinnamon
  • vanilla sugar
  • confectioner's sugar


Leave the jam to a side. Preheat the oven and prepare a baking tray of choice, using your favorite method

My Linzer torte recipe

Mix all the ingredients in a large enough bowl. You will need to use your hands for this. Get your hands wet so the dough won't stick to them. Mix really well.

Take all the dough and place in the baking tray. Take a lass with a regular shape to help you spread the dough evenly in the tray. It is best to make a little edge to prevent the jam from leaking over. Pour the jam on top, and spread it evenly. Feel free to add more nuts on top.

Place the tray in the oven, in the middle, with a medium-low heat. Baking last about half an hour. Using a toothpick to check if it's done is not very effective due to the jam on top. It is easy to burn this cake, so be careful.

Once it's done, remove it from the oven and let it cool. Once cooled, you can sprinkle confectioner's sugar on top.

Please leave your questions in the comments.

Bon Apetit

© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved.

Originally posted on Feb 24, 2014 Edited in November 2018.

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"generic" pound cake recipe

Publié le par Charly C.

Hello world~~~

You might have many great pound cake recipes, and I cannot wait to find more. There are a few ingredients needed, just a few steps, and then, BAM! baking and voila!

I'll give you guys the quantities for a single loaf and the ones for 2 loafs in parenthesis, if you like it and want to try it again ;) This recipe doesn't need baking powder because the eggs and oil make it really fluffy.

not my picture :( it belongs to its maker

not my picture :( it belongs to its maker


  • 4 large eggs (7 medium eggs)
  • 1 cup sugar (2 cups)
  • 5 tablespoons water (7 tablespoons)
  • 5 tablespoons oil (7 tablespoons)
  • some salt
  • 1 cup flour (1 1/2 cups)
  • vanilla, lemon, or other flavoring you like
  • cocoa (if you want it marbled)


  1. Pre-heat the oven and prepare your baking tray.
  2. Mousse the eggs whites.
  3. Place the sugar in a pot, pour the water over, and melt the sugar over some heat (like on the stove). Make sure you get a syrup like looking ingredient and that you don't burn it.
  4. Pour the above syrup on the mousse and mix well.
  5. Pour the salt over the egg yolks, mix with a fork, and pour over the meringue above. Mix well.
  6. Add the oil and mix well.
  7. Add the flour and mix well.
  8. Add the flavoring and mix well.
  9. Pour the mix in the tray and bake for some 30 minutes. A toothpick should come out clean if you prick the pound cake in the middle.
"generic" pound cake recipe


  • Follow the steps 1 to 8.
  • Pour the mix in the tray saving some 2 or 3 tablespoons of batter over which you pour the cocoa.  Mix well and then pour on top of the rest of the batter with a left/right motion.
  • Bake it like above.
the cocoa mixture on the left. use a teaspoon to 'cut' the batter, to have some cocoa IN the pound-cakethe cocoa mixture on the left. use a teaspoon to 'cut' the batter, to have some cocoa IN the pound-cake

the cocoa mixture on the left. use a teaspoon to 'cut' the batter, to have some cocoa IN the pound-cake

You can further decorate your pound cake with any topping you like. You can also add raisins, nuts, or other dried fruits.

Bon Appetit!

© Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved.

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