we're all parrots
This may sound like a weird title or subject to write about, however, when you really thinking about it, you'll see this is true.
As adults we might think that parroting is something of an insult, but honestly this is how we learn things! Everything we know is more or less parroting others and their knowledge.
Think about it: when we're toddlers, how do we learn how to talk? by parroting our parents, or whoever is around us. How do we learn how to write in primary school? By imitating and drawing the letters we're shown. Later on, many learn how to apply makeup or to style their hair by imitating others - these days "others" simply means beauty gurus on YouTube and other platforms.
The same goes for singing or dancing. Any type of singing or dancing.
So, why do we take so much offense when we're told we're just imitating what we saw or heard? Why are many people so offended when told they lack imagination, that they're not original?
People have been roaming the planet for tens of thousands of years. It is VERY difficult to come up with something new and original.
Even this blog is imitating other blogs. Why do I think it is original? because in a way it is all over the place. But, then again, so are other blogs and even books.
That is all I had to say for now.
©Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved.