Two Museum Visits
Hello, everyone!
As you already know from this entry, Bucharest is currently opened for business after last year's mess that leaked into this year as well.
This meant that museums also opened, and honestly, since we don't have any Louvre or other similarly popular museums, i see no reason not to visit some of the ones we have.
One of the museums in the city, Antipa Museum, holds temporary exhibits on a regular basis. This year it held at least 2 temporary exhibits. One was dedicated to butterflies and the other one to the Moon.
We first went to see the butterflies first. These were tropical butterflies and they were alive. This exhibit will still be available for 1 month or so.
We decided to go early on a Saturday morning, hoping to be alone there. This didn't go as we had hoped since several families with kids also came. Most likely because it's a bit cooler in the morning than later in the afternoon. And that day was quite the hot one.
Luckily for us, not everyone came to see the butterflies. However, access into the museum [where the tickets are sold] was allowed to only small groups. The rule was to allow the groups to be decently distanced.
The butterflies were not held inside the museum, but in its garden. We did have to walk through the museum to get to the special greenhouse built for them.
We had to follow a special protocol to go in and out of this greenhouse:
- show the tickets [to go in]
- wait for the employee to let us in or out through the special curtains.
The exit from this exhibit was separated from the entrance. of course, all due to "lovely 'rona."
As i mentioned, the butterflies were alive, so we had to watch our steps, as not to step on one by mistake.
Besides us, there was maybe a family or two more.
The majority of the butterflies were blue when the wings were opened and brown when they were closed. The brown side seemed to have a pattern with eyes. The picture below is a bit blurry and doesn't do the butterfly any justice, sadly. There are actually 2 of them eating. Can you spot the 2nd one?
Most of these insects were resting with the wings closed, to show the eye (or perhaps scary side) of their coloring. See an example below:
The greenhouse was small, so the visit wasn't very long. An interesting corner of the enclosure was the box in which they showed the various stages of an insect that turns into a butterfly.
Even more interesting was the fact that some of the pupae were alive, especially those in the later stages.
There were many stages, and i couldn't capture them all in a single picture, if i wanted to understand something from the image. hello to my reflection and of random people in there, hehe.
Despite having a short visit, the butterflies made me really happy. this happened perhaps because they're usually associated with hope. they were also very colorful, and colorful stuff is cheerful.
When we left, we bought this stone tree. I'm not sure what most of the stones are, and thus what's supposed to attract.
Unfortunately, after we left, Anna started feeling bad and we couldn't continue our plans for the day.
Here are a few more pictures with the butterflies:
Look how beautiful this black butterfly is!
The Moon Impact Exhibit
As mentioned, the 2nd collection we went to see was dedicated to the Moon, and called "The Moon Impact."- link This exhibit will still be on until January.
This was a presentation with large images and some text, everything from the point of view of a billion of years globe Earth. If you believe in the Creationist theory or in the Hollow Earth, you're probably laughing at me for going to see this exhibit.
The presentation started with the Big Bang theory, and who is not even a bit familiar with it?
I didn't take pics at this exhibit, so, here are the tickets instead.
I didn't take pics because i found this presentation rather disappointing. I think it was meant for kids who lose their patience rather easily. It was a small one, just like the one with butterflies.
We also had to show our tickets before getting in, and the person checking them was sitting in such a dark corner we couldn't even see him.
Anna and i were the only ones there, though a family tried coming in as well, but they didn't have tickets for this expo so they weren't let in.
There were 3 or 4 large cases in which various rocks and/or minerals were held. This was the only interesting part of this exhibit.
Worth noting that the written presentation was both in Romanian and English. i completely recommend you go see something similar in your city, or even in Bucharest if you're in town until January.
see ya!
©Charly Cross 2013 - present. All rights reserved.