How to make others like you
Some of you may already know I already wrote about this subject before. Let me refresh your memory.
This entry was prompted by a thread on a gossip forum. The thread was talking about this pretty young girl with quite the ugly past. The ugliness comes from her making racist remarks, fat shaming other girls, badmouthing her friends behind their backs, cheating on her boyfriend. And at the same time she acts all sweet and innocent to the general public.
The people on that thread provided black on white proofs for these claims as some know some people in her entourage. And some of those people she knows in person, provided screen caps and audio tracks for the bad things she said or done.
What she did, to whom, or who she is - these are not important details for the current presentation. What matters more is that she wants to be followed and liked by many. However she thought those ugly things she's done or said were just words ... but she was wrong, as sometimes she was being recorded, and one of the girls in her entourage keeps all the text messages she receives or sends.
I'm not here to judge her, for I too have a dirty past. As far as i know, my dirty past haven't been recorded, and i tried to apologize and make things better whenever possible. This girl seems to show no remorse. I know that right now i may sound as if i'm bragging, and this is not my intention [aarjsagdsh such a cliché! i really don't mean it]
What I want to say is the following:
If you, like me and like that girl, want to have others like you, you must do your best not to insult people. If you hurt someone, make sure you you apologize and do try your best not to repeat it.
Also try your best not to tell lies. Since many of us have lied at least once in the past, let's try not to repeat it, let's come clean about it, if possible. I guess, it could be understandable to continue with some if the truth you cause more damage... but the truth sets people free.
Also, if you want others to like you, the best way to achieve this is to treat them the way you want to be treated. At the very least your conscience will be clean and whatever nasty thing they say or do towards you will be on them, and not on you.
Even if you have the means to buy the most expensive item you're interested in, try not to brag about it. It's not only in poor taste, but you also wouldn't like to see others bragging about the stuff they got that you can't afford [if your financial situation was not as abundant].
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